2023 Photography Year In Review

2023 – A slow photography year.
It seems 2023 was an extension of 2022 for me personally. This year my landscape photography was somewhat pushed to the background. Still in hiatus from social media and with few outlets for connecting with my fellow photographers I spent most of the year on commercial portraiture and commercial work.
I eventually was invited to join the new social media network Bluesky late in the year. It’s been nice to reconnect in part with some of the community I enjoyed when Twitter wasn’t a cesspit. It is still early days for me, opening up and sharing again on social media so it has been slow going.
The one small pleasure each month has been the continued support of Rastrick Photography Group which I’ve been running for almost 10 years now. The monthly projects and meeting good friends has encouraged me to keep at it.
So let’s see how the photography progressed…
I was very excited in January by the opportunity to catch one of the wonderful cloud inversions that occasionally occur in the deep Yorkshire valleys near to where I live. Grabbing the camera and driving up to the top of the nearest vale I was able to capture some beautiful sunset hues over the cloudy valley.
Commercial work took control in February and my only artistic outlet was with the Photography Group. The topic had been weather, and as I’d been out walking the dog I noted that my glasses had become covered with rain splashes. I took a snap.
A blast of snow hit us in March and whilst out walking in the hills above Holmfirth I was able to capture some wonderful minimalist images..
The early morning dog walking allowed me to enjoy the crisp, chill weather we were experiencing. Low morning sun and frost providing some wonderful photographic opportunities.
A slow month for photography, with most of the images taken on walking days rather than specific photography outings.
Nature in focus this month.
The photography group project was flowers this month, but I did end up seeing a lot of wildlife too, which featured heavily in this month’s collection.
My photography passion seemed to kick back into gear in August. I had a project for Architecture which I adore, combined with a visit to see my favourite lone tree.
We were hit by heavy rain in September, providing a perfect setup for reflections and long exposure photography. A night trip to Halifax provided some wonderful opportunities.
I was fortunate enough to be able to visit London during October with the added bonus of having a free evening in which I could take my time to capture some of the photographic gems on offer.
Autumnal hues abound as I wandered the hills above the Holme valley. The low sun and beautiful tones offered up some amazing vistas.
A time for for finishing the year with portrait work in the run up to Christmas put a halt to recreational landscape work, but there’s still a couple of days left!
Overall a slow year on the landscape front, but busy on the portrait and commercial work which is always nice.
For 2024 I hope to push myself out of my introverted ways and to start interacting with the online community again. Wishing you all well in your 2024 photography journey.