2020 Photo Challenge

This year I’m taking part in a 53 week photo challenge. One subject per calendar week.
Aside from the more planned out landscape and portrait work, sometimes it’s a struggle to find inspiration in the every day. Having a pre-designed list of subjects is a big help and will hopefully stir up some creativity.
I’ll be posting the weekly shots in a gallery on this blog post, as well as on my regular social media feeds. The posts will be hashtagged with #2020photochallenge along with info about the topic and bit of a description on the image that was captured.
The photo challenge was created by Chrissy Deal (@chrissydealphotography) on Instagram, she has created a fantastic Google Calendar with prompts for each topic, please head over to her blog for further info https://www.chrissydeal.com/2020-photo-challenge/2019/12/30/2020-photo-challenge-prompts-53-weeks-and-366-days
Update: Chrissy Deal’s site seems to be unavailable. A copy of the topics can also be found on the Rastrick Photography Group website https://www.rastrickphotographygroup.co.uk/project-2020-weekly/