Shutterspots No. 6: Brighouse Weir and Sugden’s Mill

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Staying very local for this shutterspot. My local town, Brighouse. It hosts the distinctive towers of Sugden’s Mill which in recent years have been purchased by the Rokt Climbing Gym. The main Mill building backs on to the River Calder beside a weir. At full flow, the weir is an impressive site.
Photography Subjects
Long exposure, water, sunrise, sunset, reflection, weir, flowing water
Key Locations
See the google map below for my points for nearby parking and for access to the location. As always please be safe and sensible along the water. The location is beside a fast flowing weir and you should take every possible precaution and extra care whilst shooting.
Getting There
Brighouse is easily accessible along the M62. The location is just beside the bridge between Brighouse and Rastrick at Bridge End.
The parking is just a few seconds away on Cliffe Road.